Resolutions & Ordinances

#2024-1  Discontinue Undeveloped Streets

#2023-1  Authorize Wisconsin Gas LLC

#2020-1  Resolution DNR Clean Water Fund (CWF)

#2020-2  Resolution to file Application for Financial

#2004-1  Ordinance Building Permits

#2004-1  Resolution Building Permits

#2000-1  Junked vehicles and appliances on private property.

#2000-2  Dumping Rubbish.

#2000-3  Parking of Vehicles over 10,000lbs.

#2000-4  Regulation of length of lawn and grasses.

#97-1 Well Abandonment Ordinance.

#97-2  Cross Connection Control Ordinance.

#96-1  Ordinance to Establishing Water Rates 

#91-1  Designation of the Town of Dewey to be responsible unit for the purpose of planning, construction, or operating a recycling program.

#91-2  No parking zone Highway 8 and Crosswalks.

#88-1  Floodplain Zoning Ordinance.

#85-1  Ordinance relating to the Limitation, maintenance and control of dogs in the Village of Tony.

#83-2  An ordinance governing the maintenance & destruction of, and access to Village records.

#83-1  An ordinance regulating the burning of combustible, and non-combustible materials, and providing penalties.

#80-1  Relating to the selection and tenure of the Village of Tony Assessor.

#78-1  An ordinance to prohibit parking on U.S. Highway 8 in the Village of Tony.

#77-2  Resolution-Discontinuance of portion of Chestnut Street.

#77-1  Resolution to extend the access to blocks 14 and 15.

#75-3  Resolution applying for flood insurance.

#75-2  Resolution regulating long term health facilities.

#75-2 An ordinance prohibiting the use of firearms, air guns, bb guns, pellet guns, sling shots, within the Village of Tony, Rusk County, Wisconsin, providing for its enforcement, and providing penalties.

#75-1  An ordinance regulating the use and operation of snowmobiles in the Village of Tony.

#74-1  Memorandum of agreement between Lake Superior District Power Company and the Village of Tony.

#73-1  A Joint action emergency government ordinance between the County of Rusk and the municipalities of Rusk County.

#72-1  An ordinance establishing closing hours for beer and liquor taverns in the Village of Tony.

#70-2  Resolution to extend the access to the village cemetery.

#70-1  An ordinance establishing a monthly parking permit fee for mobile homes and regulating mobile home parks.

#70-1  Resolution-parcel of land to Town of Dewey.

#65-1  Resolution to designate “No Passing” zone.